Search Results for: critical%20inner%20voice

The Wait for the Acceptance Letter: How to Cope with Stress

…nce when we’re feeling our most exposed or vulnerable. There are many self-critical thoughts or “critical inner voices” that get triggered in graduating teens. Common critical inner voices I’ve heard from students have included: You’re not going to get accepted anywhere. Why haven’t you heard from that school yet? You don’t have a chance. How can you tell your friends/parents/teachers that you didn’t get in? You’re so stupid. They’re so much smart…

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5 Truths about Anxiety to Help You Stay Present

…, unresolved feelings that have been stirred. Anxiety can be fueled by the critical inner voice. A lot of the noise that pushes us into the past and future comes from our critical inner voice, a self-destructive thought process that criticizes, undermines, and poorly advises us based on unhealthy, destructive messaging we picked up early in life. This critical inner voice can be powerful fuel for anxiety. Our anxiety-inducing inner critic can affe…

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Conquer Your Critical Inner Voice

…ent, sabotage relationships and interfere with career success. This destructive thought process is what authors Robert W. Firestone, PhD. and Lisa Firestone, PhD. term the “critical inner voice.” In 25 years since Dr. Robert W.Firestone first began his investigations and case studies of the critical inner voice, he has gained profound insight into how “voices” are internalized by means of our early experiences. As people begin to uncover why they…

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3 Principles to Keep Love Alive

…common, but you also recognize and value your differences. 3. Ignore your critical inner voice To varying degrees, we all have an enemy within, a part of ourselves that operates inside our heads much like a malicious coach, criticizing us and offering up bad advice. This enemy, with its destructive point of view, is your critical inner voice. It supports your defenses, which wouldn’t be a bad thing except that, for the most part, your defenses ar…

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Kindness Wins!

…ary to start with being kind to yourself. Try to become aware of ways your critical inner voice is running you down. When you make a mistake: You’re such a failure. When you feel insecure: You’re unlovable. When you’re awkward: You’re a loser. Look for how your critical inner voice is being unkind to you. Develop self-compassion. Self-compassion is extending compassion to one’s self in instances of perceived inadequacy, failure and general sufferi…

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The Role of Anger in Depression

…ed. Examples of maladaptive anger turned inward can include feeling overly critical toward ourselves, hating ourselves, or seeing ourselves as powerless, pathetic, or helpless. The generally dysfunctional responses that result from maladaptive anger are based on emotional schema from traumatic experiences in our past. Often, our critical inner voice is at the root of maladaptive anger, driving us to remain in a state of frustration and suffering….

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Conquer Your Critical Inner Voice

…from 25 years of investigations into the destructive thought process, or “critical inner voice.” It offers the general reader, as well as therapists, the means for dealing effectively with negative thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs that are barriers to one’s personal development, sabotage relationships, and interfere with career success. The chapters outline methods that help individuals identify and counter the voice’s profound influence so they…

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Eight Ways to Actively Fight Depression

…ing brownies, taking a bath, or listening to upbeat music. Act against the critical inner voice that tells you nothing will help. Remember its only purpose is to keep you from feeling better. Fight Depression: Watch a Funny TV Show or Movie It may seem silly or all too simple, but anything that makes you laugh or smile can actually help convince your brain you are happy. If you look at depression as your critical inner voice having tricked you int…

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Your Child’s Self Esteem Starts With You

…companies it. The Anti-Self System represents a variety of destructive and critical attitudes children adopt toward themselves and the world at large. The Critical Inner Voice operates as an internalized parent, reminding people of their flaws, warning them against certain actions, and instructing them about how to perceive the world. Hurtful parental attitudes, projections, and unreasonable expectations expressed toward children are the basis of…

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Self-Consciousness: How to Reduce Self-Consciousness

…he more difficult to feel at ease and act naturally. When we listen to our critical inner voice, we tend to become more self-conscious. We may take its advice to isolate ourselves and not take chances or put ourselves out there, then punish ourselves with critical thoughts like, “You’re such a loser. What a loner. You’ll never be successful/ have a relationship/ make any real friends.” The key to overcoming self-consciousness is to identify these…

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