Conquer Your Critical Inner Voice

by Robert W. Firestone, Ph.D.,
Lisa Firestone, Ph.D.
Joyce Catlett, M.A.
Conquer Your Critical Inner Voice: A Revolutionary Program to Counter Negative Thoughts and Live Free From Imagined Limitations offers means for dealing effectively with negative thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs that are barriers to one’s personal development, sabotage relationships, and interfere with career success.
This book provides insights gleaned from 25 years of investigations into the destructive thought process, or “critical inner voice.” It offers the general reader, as well as therapists, the means for dealing effectively with negative thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs that are barriers to one’s personal development, sabotage relationships, and interfere with career success.
The chapters outline methods that help individuals identify and counter the voice’s profound influence so they can live more fulfilling lives, develop their own ideals, values, and priorities, and embark on their own search for meaning in life.
Charles Bonner, Ph.D. comments about Conquer Your Critical Inner Voice: “Complex psychological phenomena are described in concrete and clear language. The authors offer numerous exercises to help the reader put the book’s ideas to immediate use, and they include guidelines for therapists who may want to use the book in their work with patients in psychotherapy.”
2002, Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, Inc
ISBN: 1572242876
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