Search Results for: kessler/2009/11/nerf-guns-–-what-are-we-afraid-of/2009/11/nerf-guns-–-what-are-we-afraid-of/2009/11/your-role-in-your-childs-development

Minding the Brain by Daniel Siegel, M.D.

…s. However, this uniquely human storytelling ability also depends upon the development of the highest part of the brain, the cortex. THE CORTEX The outer layer, or “bark,” of the brain is the cortex. It is sometimes called the “new mammalian” brain or neocortex because it expanded greatly with the appearance of primates— and most especially with the emergence of human beings. The cortex creates more intricate firing patterns that represent the thr…

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How Do People Become Violent and How Do They Get Better?

…perspective on the developmental impact of trauma on child and adolescent development. Describe the role of “cognitive” and “behavioral” components in gender-related differences in violent behavior among children and adolescents. Apply three pathways to reducing youth violence. Ordering Information Once the webinar has taken place, all registrants will be emailed a full video recording of the presentation along with all presentation materials. Op…

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Overcoming Two of Parenting’s Greatest Challenges

…ely pursue our own interests and our own lives, we are serving as positive role models for our kids. 2. Disciplining and Socializing Our Children The word “discipline” is often misunderstood; many people think the word refers to punishment. The true meaning of the word comes originally from the word “disciple,” a guide, a teacher, one who educates and prepares someone, a student, a younger person, for life. The main goal of discipline is to help t…

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Gut Health Linked to Bipolar Disorder?

…’s ability to modulate behavior and mood. “There is growing evidence for a role of the gut microbiome in mental health and one of the major factors that influences the gut microbiome is diet,” Evans told PsyPost. While scientists still have a lot to learn — including what role psychiatric medicine plays in influencing the gut microbiome, how medication may interact with dietary nutrients, how healthy fats may improve the microbiome, how other ment…

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Qualities of an Ideal Therapist

…mfortable enough to be open and self-revealing. He or she would serve as a role model for the client, demonstrating through his or her responses and behavior, how to struggle against destructive forces within the personality and how to live less defensively. The “ideal” therapist would be a person of unusual honesty and integrity. This is not simply a matter of trying to tell the truth: the therapist must have developed considerable self-knowledge…

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Dr. Sheldon Solomon on Terror Management Theory and Moral Courage: Exclusive Interview

…the face of death. In a lively and candid style, Dr. Solomon discusses the development of Terror Management Theory, the ways in which people form defenses against death anxiety and the concept of life affirming death awareness, arguing that we can “accept the reality of the human condition and parlay that into bringing out the best in us. ” He also addresses the societal effects of death awareness, including the social nature of human beings, the…

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Dr. Sheldon Solomon on the Current Philosophical Climate in the United States: Exclusive Interview

…the face of death. In a lively and candid style, Dr. Solomon discusses the development of Terror Management Theory, the ways in which people form defenses against death anxiety and the concept of life affirming death awareness, arguing that we can “accept the reality of the human condition and parlay that into bringing out the best in us. ” He also addresses the societal effects of death awareness, including the social nature of human beings, the…

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…me anxiety. It is a feeling that comes with making positive strides in our development. We can deal with this anxiety by taking small steps toward facing the things we are afraid of. It is helpful to recognize that this can be a sign that we are challenging core issues and making progress in a certain area of our lives. Remember that it is always destructive to torture yourself with extreme anxiety-provoking thoughts. There are many anxiety disord…

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How to Approach Learning Challenges with your Child

…the classroom to one’s potential, there are specific windows in a child’s development to learn key skills. These windows allow for rapid acquisition of new skills and after this window closes there is a potential derailment in subsequent learning. Therefore, time is often a significant factor and can play an important role in the outcome. Obviously the worst case scenario is when a child struggles throughout their academic career without having c…

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Parenting During Times of Stress

…ssured. Here are some ideas to help you take care of yourself, be a strong role model for your children, and support your family through this challenging time: Communicate While communication is always important, now more than ever is the time to talk with your kids. Talk about the facts: It is important to let your children know the facts about what is going on and steps you are taking to keep them and your family safe. If they don’t hear it dire…

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