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VIDEO: The Link Between Mindfulness Meditation and Compassion

…Firestone: Does consistent practice of mindfulness meditation lead to the development of compassion? Has that been your experience? Donna Rockwell: Absolutely. And it’s because of what we were saying before which is that you start having compassion for yourself. It’s like, “Oh my God, will my mind every shut up?” You know, you start saying, “This is absurd, you know. You’re sitting there and this movie keeps going and it’s like – that thought aga…

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Self-Reflective Approach to Becoming a Better Parent

…Becoming a better parent doesn’t only involve our present actions. To truly develop ourselves as parents, it is important to look at our own past . Child development expert Joyce Catlett talks about how making sense of our own childhood experiences can help us to become better parents to our children….

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Understanding Your Critical Inner Voice: A Video Presentation with Dr. Lisa Firestone

…defended, negative side of our personality that is opposed to our ongoing development. The voice consists of the negative thoughts, beliefs and attitudes that oppose our best interests and diminish our self-esteem. It encourages and strongly influences self-defeating and self-destructive behavior. This hostile, judgmental advisor also warns us about other people, promoting angry and cynical attitudes toward others and creating a negative, pessimi…

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Recognizing Complex Trauma

…caregivers or other ostensibly responsible adults, and (3) often occur at developmentally vulnerable times in the victim’s life, especially in early childhood or adolescence, but can also occur later in life and in conditions of vulnerability associated with disability/ disempowerment/dependency/age /infirmity, and so on. The nature, diagnosis, and treatment of this condition can be controversial, as exemplified through the current debate that’s…

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Fighting Post-Graduation Anxiety

…a serious psychological condition that limits us in our interactions, our development, and our general state of mind.” By giving in to stress and anxiety, you stop behaving your best. You start doubting yourself and become self-limiting. You give in to your critical inner voice, the self-destructive thought process that creates nagging thoughts and doubts. This can eventually coax you out of taking on challenges and going after your goals. So it…

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Genuine Relating in an Imperfect World

…rs contributing to the success of your relationship are your own continued development as an individual and your appreciation and support for your partner’s individuality. To this end, you are learning to value your independence and striving to maintain your integrity by remaining adult, open, undefended, and honest in your interactions. You are also learning to respect the fact that your partner is a sovereign individual, separate from you and yo…

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Dr. Pat Love

…than 25 years, she has contributed to relationship education and personal development through her books, articles, training programs, speaking, and media appearances. Learn more at Articles Four Basic Keys to Loving There are really four things, let me just tell you, four things that every baby needs, every child needs, every adult needs. It’s just basic to homo sapiens, to the human species. We need people in our life. And we’re…

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Watch Exclusive Video Interviews with Dr. Pat Love

…than 25 years, she has contributed to relationship education and personal development through her books, articles, training programs, speaking, and media appearances. Dr. Love has published several professional articles, been featured in many professional books and developed relationships education media and materials being used nationally and internationally. Her ever-popular books Hot Monogamy and The Truth About Love have literally taken her a…

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The Key to Healthy Relationships: It’s All in Your Head

…lf-understanding. Dan Siegel’s approach to self-understanding involves the development of Mindsight, the ability to monitor what is going on in our own mind and in the minds of others. Mindsight describes a focused effort to examine one’s own feelings and to have intuition regarding other people’s intentions. In my Webinar with Dr. Siegel, we will discuss “Relationships and the Roots of Resilience” and explore how emotional resilience often begins…

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Should our goal for our kids be for them to be happy?

…confused. Mindful parenting that considers the growing edge of our child’s development, like a good coach does when training an athlete, facilitates resilience by presenting incremental challenges. When failure or disappointment occur, being present to help our children with their feelings teaches them they are not alone and to try again. Ultimately, this resilience will provide the foundation for our children to reach his/her potential for achiev…

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