Dating Resolutions: 7 Characteristics of an Ideal Partner

dating resolutions, ideal partner qualities, psychalive
Dec. 31 may be all about the New Year’s kiss, but by New Year’s Day, most people are thinking about what comes after the kiss. This can be a good metaphor for our dating habits in general. The person we look to for instant passion, an immediate spark or even a New Year’s kiss is not always the same person we would be happy sharing our lives with long-term. With this in mind, it’s safe to assume that one major reason that finding lasting love proves such a challenge is that the qualities we seek in a partner aren’t always those that lead to enduring intimacy.

The reasons we fall in love may be a mystery, but the reasons we stay in love are far less elusive. That is why this New Year’s, I propose making a few resolutions about what we look for in a romantic relationship. There may be no such thing as the perfect partner, but an ideal partner can be found in someone who has developed themselves in certain ways that go beyond the surface. While we each seek out a specific set of qualities that is uniquely meaningful to us alone, there are certain psychological characteristics both you and your partner can aim for that make the flame not only stronger, more passionate and more fulfilling, but also far less likely to die out the moment the clock strikes midnight.

Many of these qualities won’t be apparent to us when we first meet someone, but as we get to know the people we date, these are invaluable traits to both look for in them and to strive for in ourselves. These ideal attributes include:

1. Maturity

This statement is not meant to echo the ever-advised mantra that maturity is important. Being “grown up” isn’t merely a matter of not acting like a kid anymore. It’s not about a boyfriend who remembers to take out the trash or a girlfriend who never runs late. These qualities are nice, but to truly grow up means making an active effort to recognize and resolve negative influences from our past. An ideal partner is thus willing to reflect on his or her history and is interested in understanding how old events inform current behaviors.

When people mature emotionally, they are less likely to re-enact or project past experiences onto their current relationships. They develop a strong sense of independence and autonomy, having differentiated from destructive influences from early in life. As they evolve within themselves, they are less likely to look for someone to compensate for shortcomings and weaknesses or to complete their incompleteness. Instead, they’re looking for someone to share life with as equals and to appreciate independently of themselves. Having broken ties to old identities and patterns, this person is much more available to a romantic partner and the new family that they create together. Naturally, becoming emotionally mature ourselves helps with this process and dramatically improves our chances of achieving a solid and rewarding relationship.

2. Openness 

The ideal partner is open, undefended and willing to be vulnerable. No human being is perfect, so finding someone who is approachable and receptive to feedback can be a huge asset to a lasting union. When someone is free-thinking and open-minded, it enables them to be forthright in expressing feelings, thoughts, dreams and desires, which allows you to truly know them. Their openness is also an indication of their interest in personal development and often contributes to the development of the relationship. Like perfect people, perfect unions do not exist, so finding someone with whom you can talk about an area that you feel is lacking in your relationship and who is open to evolving is more than half the battle. Conversely, being willing to accept feedback from our partners and looking for that kernel of truth in what they say allows us to develop ourselves in a similar manner.

3. Honesty & Integrity

The ideal partner realizes the importance of honesty in a close relationship. Honesty builds trust between people. Dishonesty confuses the other person, betraying their vulnerability and shattering their sense of reality. Nothing has a more destructive impact on a close relationship between two people than dishonesty and deception. Even in painful situations such as infidelity, the blatant deception involved is often equally, if not more, hurtful than the unfaithful act itself. The ideal partner strives to live a life of integrity so that there are no discrepancies between words and actions. This goes for all levels of communication, both verbal and nonverbal. Being open and honest in our most intimate relationships means really knowing ourselves and our intentions. While this can prove difficult, it is an effort worth striving for.

4. Respect & Independence 

Ideal partners value each others’ interests separate from their own. They feel congenial toward and supportive of each other’s overall goals in life. They are sensitive to the other’s wants, desires and feelings, and place them on an equal basis with their own. Ideal partners treat each other with respect and sensitivity. They do not try to control each other with threatening or manipulative behavior. They are respectful of their partner’s distinct personal boundaries, while at the same time remaining close physically and emotionally. Valuing and respecting our partners’ sovereign minds and not trying to change them allows us to really know them as a separate people.

5. Empathy

The ideal partner perceives their mate on both an intellectual, observational level and an emotional, intuitive level. This person is able to both understand and empathize with his or her partner. When two people in a couple understand each other, they become aware of the commonalities that exist between them and also recognize and appreciate the differences. When both partners are empathic, that is, capable of communicating with feeling and with respect for the other person’s wants, attitudes and values, each partner feels understood and validated. Developing our ability to be empathic helps us understand and attune to our partner.

6. Affection

The ideal partner is easily affectionate and responsive on many levels: physically, emotionally and verbally. He or she is personal, acknowledging and outwardly demonstrative of feelings of warmth and tenderness. This person should enjoy closeness in being sexual and feel uninhibited in giving and accepting affection and pleasure. Being open to both giving and receiving affection adds a poignant feeling to our lives.

7. Sense of Humor

The ideal partner has a sense of humor. A sense of humor can be a lifesaver in a relationship. The ability to laugh at one’s self and at life’s foibles allows a person to maintain a proper perspective when dealing with sensitive issues that arise within the relationship. Couples who are playful and teasing often defuse potentially volatile situations with their humor. A good sense of humor definitely eases the tense moments in a relationship. Being able to laugh at ourselves makes life much easier. Plus, it is one of life’s greatest joys to be able to laugh with someone close to us.


About the Author

Lisa Firestone, Ph.D. Dr. Lisa Firestone is the Director of Research and Education at The Glendon Association. An accomplished and much requested lecturer, Dr. Firestone speaks at national and international conferences in the areas of couple relations, parenting, and suicide and violence prevention. Dr. Firestone has published numerous professional articles, and most recently was the co-author of Sex and Love in Intimate Relationships (APA Books, 2006), Conquer Your Critical Inner Voice (New Harbinger, 2002), Creating a Life of Meaning and Compassion: The Wisdom of Psychotherapy (APA Books, 2003) and The Self Under Siege (Routledge, 2012). Follow Dr. Firestone on Twitter or Google.

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Longonje Karl Vefunge

This piece is lovely, it will greatly help us to achieve a successful and healthy relationship.

Longonje Karl Vefunge

This piece is lovely, it will greatly help us to achieve a successful and healthy relationship. Also, our children growing will learn from this. Thank you.

Longonje Karl Vefunge

What an outstanding piece, thanks Dr. Lisa, this will go along way to help us in our relationship.


Thanks alot such words can push me iny relationship for the next 20 years

Ekejiuba Cynthia Amarachi

These piece is so Lovely,it so much Inspired me by. Understathe realities and ideas needed in life to yield a better result.

Urban john

So strong words that can keep relationship for a hundred of years


so much inspiring, mind rejuvenating article. Looking foward to keep in touch later on


These are the gold characteristics in a relationship!

I am having a difficult time with my one year old relationship now, sleep apart due to the physical affection not present in the bedroom…
Looking for some help and guidance in how to find what I want in this relationship!


This is the Apple of the relationships!!! It’s what we need everyday for the rest of our lives. Sadly at the moment we are struggling with “number 3” she’s still attached to the previous relationship emotionally and as a result she still visits the relationship emotionally and it’s difficult not to think that she will visit it physically at some point. But when I try to talk to her she denies it & gives me that assurance that she is done with it. I love her and i do not want to be blinded by love and get hurt again.


Sweet, but. . . I am a little surprised at the narrowness of this article. This narrowness makes it more of a “these are some characteristics”, and very much from a romantic perspective.

Such characteristics as: intelligence, financial stability, taking care of physical appearance, constantly growing and learning, having a goal and purpose in life. . . . These are all important. Moreover, most people don’t want to hear these goals as they are hard and require discipline.


Thanks a million, this is so well written and beautiful flows

I am also realising we must be this to others as much we want them to be like that to us.

Very insightful thanks again


Great reminders when we’re on the right path with the wrong person….thanks!


Don’t talk to her about it. That will just aggravate her and make her feel you are insecure. She still thinks about her previous relationship because you have not overwhelmed her emotionally. You need to give her a special date night at least every week. Cook a candle dinner for her and don’t let her do the dishes (a woman loves a man who cooks and cleans for her because it shows you are capable, responsible, care about her, and that she is special). Take her somewhere or surprise her with a scenic drive (a woman loves surprises, especially when it involves travel or flowers). When it comes to sex, it is not about your pleasure, it’s all about her pleasure (learn to savor the selflessness of giving pleasure to her, and she will give you more sex than you can handle). Positive experiences will bind you two together emotionally. Negative ones will split you apart. Dr. John Gottman has proven scientifically that we need at least 5 positive experiences to cancel every negative one.


I agree. Just understand that the purpose of articles like this are to generate traffic and keep you on the site reading more articles. They are more like snacks than meals.

Mona Namulawa

This is a nice article that can really help a person to stay in a relationship for years and years.thanks

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