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3 Steps to Experience the Perfect Imperfect Moment

…y silence this critic. As one of the leaders in interpersonal neurobiology Dr. Daniel Siegel says, the only appropriate attitude to have toward yourself is to be curious, open, accepting and loving. This attitude is what makes change possible. It’s what helps you to not only reach your goals but enjoy and appreciate the road that gets you there, imperfect as it may be. 2. Don’t Avoid Feelings My father, who is also a psychologist and my co-author…

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Eight Ways to Actively Fight Depression

…. Fight Depression: Be Active When you’re depressed your energy levels can drop drastically, but the last thing you want to do when feeling down is to keep yourself from getting up. It’s a physiological fact that activity fights depression. Get your heart rate up 20 minutes a day, five days a week, and it has been scientifically proven that you will feel better emotionally. Exercising increases the neuro-plasticity of your brain and releases neuro…

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Sabotage You

…ritical Inner Voice, a concept generated by my father, psychologist Robert Firestone, is formed early in life during stressful and traumatic events. Just as positive childhood experiences lead to confidence, ability and optimism, negative experiences lead us to low self-esteem, self-destructive behaviors and pessimism. The Critical Inner Voice thus describes a dynamic operating within each of us that causes us to relive rather than live our life….

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How To Tell the Difference Between Real Love and Fantasy

…al and exciting from the deadening effects of what my father, psychologist Dr. Robert Firestone, termed “The Fantasy Bond?” A fantasy bond is created when two people replace real acts of genuine love, admiration, passion, and respect with the role and ritual of “being” in a relationship. Though this process is often unconscious, people can begin to recognize patterns and behaviors characterized by a Fantasy Bond that are destructive to their close…

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How to Bring "Vacation Sex" Home With You

…sex” hotter and more exciting than what most couples experience in their bedrooms at home? And more importantly, why can’t they have that kind of sex in their everyday lives? One of the answers often given is that people are more relaxed on vacation; they’ve left work and responsibilities behind. They have the opportunity to unplug their computers and cell phones so they won’t be distracted. They are there with the purpose of having a good time, s…

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The "Voice” Is a Sneaky, Tricky Thing

…oes it come from? Does having this point of view identify you with someone from your early life experiences? It’s a beneficial line of exploration and “becoming aware of the voice” is one of the most valuable contributions Dr. Robert Firestone, The Glendon Association and PsychAlive offer in helping us get right with ourselves. Other Posts by This Author: Where the Rubber Meets the Road Open to Emotion Gaining Awareness Through Loss More-…

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What Are Defenses?

…ted psychologically… also serve as terrible limitations to the self,” said Dr. Robert Firestone author of Psychological Defenses in Everyday Life. As children, the ways in which we comforted ourselves often served as substitutes for something we were either not getting or wished to avoid. Whatever we did, whether we calmed ourselves with self-soothing habits or disappeared into a world of fantasy, we felt relieved by our behaviors. The pain was le…

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The Psychology of Violent Television: Why We Watch and How it Affects Us

…athan Bassett review psychological theories that explain why audiences are drawn to violent television and the impact violent television has on us. Drawing on insights from both Separation Theory and Terror Management Theory, Solomon and Basset explain how our attraction to watching fictional violence is rooted in sensation seeking, a desire for mastery over perceived dangers, and a need to believe in a just world. They also offer a novel interpre…

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Supporting Men’s Peaceful Transformation

…gative impacts that abuse causes for themselves, their partners, their children, families and communities. It will also offer valuable insights and share lived experiences into the healing power that happens when men connect with their emotions through shared life stories.  Learning Objectives: List behaviors that continue abuse within Intimate Partner Relationships Describe strategies to help clients become aware of Impact of violence to self, pa…

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The Origin of Polarization, Prejudice, and Warfare

…fare. I am aligned with Fromm and Becker in hypothesizing that existential dread is the foremost predisposing influence at the core of man’s inhumanity to man. Allegiance to and identification with the in-group, while at the same time devaluing others (“outsiders,” “aliens,” “immigrants,” those who do not belong), feed narcissistic, omnipotent feelings and inflate a sense of self-importance. Nationalism, communism, socialism, and other “isms” can…

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