Search Results for: Polyvagal Theory

Dr. Sheldon Solomon on Death Awareness and Psychological Growth: Exclusive Interview

…d candid style, Dr. Solomon discusses the development of Terror Management Theory, the ways in which people form defenses against death anxiety and the concept of life affirming death awareness, arguing that we can “accept the reality of the human condition and parlay that into bringing out the best in us. ” He also addresses the societal effects of death awareness, including the social nature of human beings, the role of education and government,…

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The Higher Education Opportunity Program (H.E.O.P.): Interview with Dr. Sheldon Solomon

…d candid style, Dr. Solomon discusses the development of Terror Management Theory, the ways in which people form defenses against death anxiety and the concept of life affirming death awareness, arguing that we can “accept the reality of the human condition and parlay that into bringing out the best in us. ” He also addresses the societal effects of death awareness, including the social nature of human beings, the role of education and government,…

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Helping Parents Distinguish Love from Emotional Hunger

…t to distinguish the current trend of Attachment Parenting from Attachment Theory, a concept developed by Sir John Bowlby, Ph.D. and expanded by Mary Ainsworth, Ph.D. Attachment Theory, which has been well-researched over the past forty years, emphasizes the importance of a strong, secure human attachment from early in life to a person’s well-being and development. It’s inarguable that our children need love and nurturance in order to thrive. In T…

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Dr. Sheldon Solomon on the Higher Education Opportunity Program (H.E.O.P.): Exclusive Interview

…d candid style, Dr. Solomon discusses the development of Terror Management Theory, the ways in which people form defenses against death anxiety and the concept of life affirming death awareness, arguing that we can “accept the reality of the human condition and parlay that into bringing out the best in us. ” He also addresses the societal effects of death awareness, including the social nature of human beings, the role of education and government,…

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Dr. Sheldon Solomon on Small But Forceful Agents of Change: Exclusive Interview

…d candid style, Dr. Solomon discusses the development of Terror Management Theory, the ways in which people form defenses against death anxiety and the concept of life affirming death awareness, arguing that we can “accept the reality of the human condition and parlay that into bringing out the best in us. ” He also addresses the societal effects of death awareness, including the social nature of human beings, the role of education and government,…

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Creating Meaning by Facing Our Mortality

… with Dr. Sheldon Solomon, one of the developers of Terror Management Theory, he described the role this awareness can have in our lives as follows, “To recognize that you are finite and not particularly pleased by that prospect is to momentarily divest yourself of all of the culturally and interpersonally constructed delusions and fantasy bonds that have sustained you for your whole life. And you can’t do that without momentarily, psychologi…

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How Your Attachment Pattern Influences Your Life

…and particularly, how we operate in relationships. That area is attachment theory. The patterns of attachment we form with primary caretakers early in our lives go on to affect how we relate to people throughout our lives. They help shape how we operate in relationships and how we expect relationships to operate. The attachment patterns we experienced inform the choices we make in our romantic lives, who we choose, how we behave, and even whether…

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The Role of Anger in Depression

…specifically to depression, science seems to be further supporting Freud’s theory, showing more and more how anger contributes to symptoms. A UK study from 2013 suggested that going inward and turning our anger on ourselves contributes to the severity of depression. Having worked with depressed clients for more than 30 years, these findings were not surprising to me. Many of the people I’ve worked with who struggle with depression also share the c…

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Identifying Your Child’s Attachment Style

…part of a featured interview series with Dr. Dan Siegel, an expert in the theory of Mindsight, a fundamental concept that explores the dynamics of healthy relationships. To learn about how to develop an earned secure attachment, join Dr. Daniel Siegel and Dr. Lisa Firestone for the online course “Making Sense of Your Life: Understanding Your Past to Liberate Your Present and Empower Your Future.” Idealization of Parents Idealization of parents yo…

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5 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Love

…ing in love? The blog itself was based on my father Dr. Robert Firestone’s theory of the “fear of intimacy” and was heavily inspired by more than 30 years of examples of clients, co-workers, friends, family members and countless individuals I’ve encountered across the world who’ve opened up to me about their relationship struggles. Almost every one of us can relate to at least a couple of the ways we defend ourselves, self-protect and self-sabotag…

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