Search Results for: critical inner voice

Society, Relationships, and Pleasure: An Interview with Dr. Carol Gilligan

…niversity for more than 30 years. Her ground-breaking book, In a Different Voice (1982) achieved much critical acclaim and has been described by Harvard University Press as “the little book that started a revolution.” She has published several other books including The Birth of Pleasure (2002), The Deepening Darkness (2009), Joining the Resistance (2011) and the novel Kyra (2008). In this DVD, Dr. Carol Gilligan addresses a variety of topics inclu…

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Faces of Suicide

…icide as the widespread community health issue it is and to give a name, a voice, and a “face” to both those lost to suicide and to the survivors left behind. Faces of Suicide makes a powerful statement about the need to bring this issue into the open. Official Choice of the Santa Barbara International Film Festival and American Association of Suicidology Conference. Winner at Western Psychological Association Film Festival. This moving documentar…

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As Long As We Both Shall Live: Creating a Mindful Marriage

…eep in both partners, a simmering doubt that won’t be quieted: maybe, this voice whispers, this love affair won’t last. Maybe my love will tire of me over time. Maybe I don’t have what it takes to keep someone interested for an entire lifetime. In many ways we sometimes sabotage what otherwise would be a good thing because we privately believe we are “not good enough.” As a clinical psychologist and now married for a quarter of a century, I may ha…

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Women’s Adaptation to Living in Our Patriarchal Society

…d other girls are finished [with their lunch] and this woman, carrying the voice of her eleven year old, she says, the woman teacher said, “I didn’t say anything when he said that [originally] because I relate to him the way I would relate to my husband.” But then when the girls came late from orchestra, she turned to the other girls one day and said, “You may be excused.” And the girls started to leave, and one of them turned and said, “Good for…

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CE Webinar: The Self Under Siege

…at involves: 1. Breaking with internalized thought processes, that is, the critical, hostile attitudes toward self and others. 2. Altering the negative personality traits in oneself that represent an incorporation of the aversive traits of one’s parents. 3. Identifying and relinquishing patterns of defense formed as an adaptation to painful events in one’s childhood. 4. Developing one’s own values, ideals, and beliefs rather than automatically acc…

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Living Life as an Authentic Adult

…role of either the parent or the child in relation to their loved ones. In Voice Therapy, I described how adult individuals interact in a close relationship: “People whose actions are based primarily on the adult mode relate to each other as independent individuals with considerable give and take in terms of reciprocal need gratification.” They have developed their capacity for both giving and accepting love and do not attempt to recreate a parent…

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The Fear of Intimacy

…ntasy bond,” a once-useful but now destructive form of self-parenting that jeopardizes meaningful attachments. Written in clear, jargon-free language, Fear of Intimacy helps couples identify and overcome the messages of the “critical inner voice,” an internalized point of view that negatively distorts our perception of ourselves and loved ones. The result is a ray of hope for a relationship based not on form, fantasy or security but on real comrad…

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5 Simple Steps to End Any Fight

…ased arousal, as if you are heating up. At these moments, you may hear yourinner critic coaching you to take destructive actions, like lashing out at your partner. Respond by calming yourself down, maybe by taking a series of deep breaths or counting back from 10. You can get a hold of these moments and learn to pause. For example, you can choose between intimating and violating, between addressing your partner from a loving stance and talking cal…

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A Relationship is a Creative Work: An Interview with Dr. James and Carol Gilligan

…acknowledgment that he felt I challenged him to write that book in his own voice. That incredible opening of that book, just the sheer writing of the opening of that—I know Jim as somebody who could do that. If you really want to know why are we together after all these years, that’s probably the answer to that. Dr. James Gilligan and Dr. Carol Gilligan – A Marriage Can Be Many Marriages Dr. Carol Gilligan: You go through time. That’s the other th…

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VIDEO: Dr. Kirk Schneider on Developing Awe in Existential Psychotherapy

…aybe in the relationship with the therapist, in our own lives, through our voice, which I know is very important to you, through the power of re-visitation over and over again of our battle, our battle between what’s attempting to break through as we’re, you know, struggling with a particular issue and what is holding us back. And out of that, not for everyone, maybe everyone in degrees, but can come a break through, an eventual break through, if…

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