On-Demand Webinars

Social Media and Marketing for Mental Health Professionals



In this Webinar:

The Internet has become the go-to source for many individuals seeking psychological information and answers. Each month, over 11,000,000 people search Google for the term “psychology,” and searches for phrases like “suicide prevention,” “relationship advice” and “attachment” are on the rise. As people find themselves looking for more psychological information online, psychologists and mental health professionals are faced with the opportunity to provide resources to a growing number of individuals through new media. This Webinar provides both an overview of general trends in psychology online as well as practical applications for how mental health professionals can effectively use new media, including blogs, social networks and YouTube to reach a wider audience online.

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About the Presenter

Lisa Firestone, Ph.D. Dr. Lisa Firestone is the Director of Research and Education at The Glendon Association. An accomplished and much requested lecturer, Dr. Firestone speaks at national and international conferences in the areas of couple relations, parenting, and suicide and violence prevention. Dr. Firestone has published numerous professional articles, and most recently was the co-author of Sex and Love in Intimate Relationships (APA Books, 2006), Conquer Your Critical Inner Voice (New Harbinger, 2002), Creating a Life of Meaning and Compassion: The Wisdom of Psychotherapy (APA Books, 2003) and The Self Under Siege (Routledge, 2012). Follow Dr. Firestone on Twitter or Google.

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