Search Results for: robert firestone

VIDEO: The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism

In her interview with PsychAlive Senior Editor Lisa Firestone, Dr. Donna Rockwell talks about the four noble truths of Buddhism. The four noble truths. Well, that’s sort of the underpinning of all Buddhism and it’s the notion that, the first noble truth is that life is suffering, meaning they’re updating it, they’re saying life is stressful. The suffering of yesterday is the stressfulness of today. So that life is stressful. Well, yes. We know th…

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VIDEO: Mindfulness Meditation and Happiness

In her interview with PsychAlive Senior Editor Lisa Firestone, Dr. Donna Rockwell talks about mindfulness meditation as a shortcut to realizing happiness. It increases our overall sense of wellbeing and allows us to be here. You know, we can’t be happy if we’re thinking about what happened yesterday and what might happen tomorrow. There’s no happiness in that. You actually have to be present to feel joy and happiness, you know. And there’s just s…

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VIDEO: The Everyday Cultivation of Mindfulness

In her interview with PsychAlive Senior Editor Lisa Firestone, Dr. Donna Rockwell talks about the everyday cultivation of mindfulness. But, you see, the thing I also think is true is that we don’t even – yes, it’s great to have a formal meditation practice. But, what I’ve discovered is that we can practice little mindfulness exercises all through the day. So we can awaken, we can become enlightened all day long. We don’t have to wait until we get…

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VIDEO: How Mindfulness Meditation Allows You to Embrace Yourself

In her interview with PsychAlive Senior Editor Lisa Firestone, Dr. Donna Rockwell talks about how mindfulness meditation allows you to embrace yourself more authentically and tenderly. You know, when you sit there – I meditated, I don’t know, for 15 years before I could really have this have this sort of breakthrough, which is all of that thinking has nothing to do with me. It’s not who I am . It’s just this thing my mind is doing. So, it sort of…

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VIDEO: The True Goal of Meditation

In her interview with PsychAlive Senior Editor Lisa Firestone, Dr. Donna Rockwell talks about the true goal of meditation. Watch or read the interview below. …what meditation’s really about is not about getting to this state of always being able to be right here right now in the present moment. What meditation is about is training the mind how to come back. It’s really that’s all it’s about. You know, we’re thinking about the kids and school and…

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VIDEO: How to Introduce Young Children to Mindfulness

In her interview with PsychAlive Senior Editor Lisa Firestone, Dr. Donna Rockwell talks about how to introduce young children to mindfulness. Watch or read the interview below. Donna Rockwell: So, in parenting children, in Buddhist psychology they talk about the five senses as the five sense gates. So we actually experience life through tasting and smelling and how things feel, what they sound like, what they taste like. And we’re actually living…

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VIDEO: Optimal Parenting

In her interview with PsychAlive Senior Editor Lisa Firestone, Dr. Donna Rockwell talks about optimal parenting. Watch or read the interview below. But really, the best that we can teach them is by being interested in them as people. And instead of saying I need you to be a doctor or a lawyer or a candle maker, to discover, what do you love about life and what’s interesting to you and what do you want to be, you know, tell me. And they are born a…

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VIDEO: Meditation You Can Do All Day

In her interview with PsychAlive Senior Editor Lisa Firestone, Dr. Donna Rockwell describes one little meditation that people can do all day. Watch or read the interview below. I’m just going to show you how to do one sort of short meditation that you can do anywhere. And what you can do is you can go sit in a room, just find a spot, close your eyes, put one hand on your chest and the other on your belly, close your eyes and you just be with your…

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Why Women Find it Diffiicult to Attach to Pleasure

Lisa Firestone: It’s also been my experience when people really feel the most joy or the most loving or close moments that it also brings up, it brings up more anxiety about death and loss— Carol Gilligan: It’s perfect. If I enjoy, like, how will I deal with death. But if I’m not enjoying, like, I might as well be dead right now. I remember when I was doing workshops with women with Kristin Linklater in what was called “Company of Women” and we d…

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VIDEO: Formal Sitting Meditation Practice

In her interview with PsychAlive Senior Editor Lisa Firestone, Dr. Donna Rockwell describes, in detail, formal sitting meditation practice. Watch or read the interview below. First the notion is that it really matters sort of how we sit and what our posture is and as we sit in the chair is how we are in life. So we want to have our backs really straight, our chest open, our shoulders back and they say that our spine is like a stack of golden coin…

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