Search Results for: michelle deen/2010/06/2009/12/dr-lisa-firestone-“suicide-the-warning-signs”/2010/03/helper-tasks-how-you-can-help-someone-whos-suicidal/2010/03/helper-tasks-how-you-can-help-someone-whos-suicidal

Mood Slave: Steps to Freedom by Weatherproofing our Well-being

…ention reorient our direction, we can be on the lookout for those telltale signs along the path that might pull us down into the detoured route following every other mood. As you walk the path, the landscape of your mind can be created by your awareness. Notice which Monuments of Mind, constructed from your past memory, are helping or hindering your well-being. Determine which ones you will pay attention to and which might need some reconstruction…

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3 Ways to Tell You’re Afraid of Intimacy

…too close, they’re likely to retract, but when they sense their partner is drifting away, they may become very clingy and insecure. Getting to know our attachment history can offer us tremendous insight into our patterns and understanding of our behaviors. Yet, as we’re examining our relationships in real-time, it’s valuable to identify the moments when our actions don’t match our idea of what we want. Do we say we want to go away with our partner…

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The Second Wave: The Emotional Impact of the Prolonged Pandemic

…mental health issues, was touchingly candid on her Instagram account, bethdrawsthings, last week. Next to drawings of her character looking sad, she wrote: Things haven’t been great… Every day is such a challenge at the moment… I guess this is me saying, “I don’t know.” I’m just messy, confused, sad, miserable and trying to navigate stuff a bit at a time. I’m sorry I can’t finish this comic on a bright and hopeful note—I just can’t put forth some…

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Low Self-Esteem: What Does it Mean to Lack Self-Esteem?

…ng in ways that we regret and may deplore.” This harsh inner critic, which Dr. Robert Firestone refers to as the Critical Inner Voice, contributes to a negative perceived self. Having a negative perception of oneself can have serious consequences. For example, if someone believes that other people don’t like them, they are more likely to avoid interactions with others and are quicker to react defensively, cynically, or even lash out. Rosenberg and…

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A Practical Approach to Overcoming Illness Anxiety

…sorders work and how to overcome them.   Learning Objectives: Describe the signs and symptoms of illness anxiety disorder (also known as hypochondriasis or health anxiety) Explain how illness anxiety is maintained by reassurance-seeking and how to stop the loop that keeps illness anxiety going Identify effective treatments for illness anxiety     Ordering Information Once payment is received, you will be emailed a full video recording of this webi…

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I see you. I hear you. It is so: The powerful tool of acknowledgment in achieving self actualization

…d to know about why it’s easy to pass people who hold ‘will work for food’ signs at intersections. We rationalize that someone else will give, diffuse our responsibility, and hope for the light to quickly turn green. It relieves our awkward discomfort. But how human would it be to say “Good morning,” give a nod, make eye contact, or offer a smile even if you’re pressed for time? Acknowledgment in this situation doesn’t have to be attached to a mon…

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An Apple (computer) For the Teacher: Navigating Homeschool, While Keeping Your Social Distance and Sanity

…u’re not handling it on your own, and you need to reach out to someone for help. Never be too proud or ashamed to speak with a friend, therapist, life coach, or professional. Join groups. Create groups. Tap into all of the community and school resources that are available. Remember that the helpers are also navigating this time as you are, so everything may not be simply handed to you. One daughter [@nyla_danae] posted, “To students starting schoo…

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How Sick is “Sick Enough?”

…er. Eating disorders are not a choice. They are a life-consuming, mentally draining, and physically demanding conflict within ourselves. The path to recovery seems daunting, and it is, but the setbacks and obstacles I have faced are exponentially worth owning a life I now love living. There is more to life than simply existing—to live is something greater. And while I may be 10 pounds heavier, I’m infinitely lighter without the burden of my eating…

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Do You or Your Partner Have an Avoidant Attachment Pattern?

…m of emotional neglect. They’re missing what my father psychologist Robert Firestone has called “love food,” a form of attuned emotional nourishment and parental warmth that they need to thrive, particularly in their first year. In its absence, the child may learn that the best way to deal with their frustration at not having their needs met is to act like they don’t have any. As Dr. Daniel Siegel put it, the child learns to disconnect from their…

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5 Things to Do When Your Inner Critic Takes Over

…ll as the book Conquer Your Critical Inner Voice, co-authored by my father Dr. Robert Firestone, I’ve outlined what I believe to be an empowering approach to combat this destructive voice on a deeper psychological level. However, we can take on this inner critic on a daily basis by persistently peeling away its negative overlays from our real point of view. In doing so, we can become more resilient in our fight to act in ways that reflect both our…

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