
Emotional Contagion and the COVID-19

If you’re concerned about your health and safety, you should be. It’s human. But be cautious that your anxiety isn’t playing into a psychological phenomena. At this point, many of us could probably be employed as reporters to give detailed updates on the coronavirus. The informal running commentary, coupled with witnessing the headlines that stimulate… Read more »

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Living while dying – Notes from the resistance

“It’s precisely because we’re finite that life is so sweet.” – Sheldon Solomon Last month I got the opportunity to meet Ady Barkan, a progressive activist who’s become one of the most powerful voices in the fight to move the United States to a universal healthcare system, sometimes dubbed “Medicare for All”.  The meeting took place at… Read more »

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Dealing with Unresolved Trauma

Recently, a friend of mine who suffers from chronic lower back pain came back from yet another visit to the doctor with a bit of unexpected advice. Instead of the usual discussion of shots, medications, physical therapy, or even surgery, his doctor recommended a book, Healing Back Pain: The Mind Body Connection. The book by… Read more »

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It’s Time to Talk about Mental Health

“Your feelings aren’t that important.” “No one cares how you feel.” “Just forget about it.” “Bury your emotions.” “Keep a stiff upper lip.” “There’s no point in being sad.” “What’s wrong with you anyway?” “Be strong.” “Keep calm and carry on.” These are just a small sample of the thoughts that emerge from a choir… Read more »

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Video: Dr. John Norcross on Public Health’s approach to psychotherapy

Dr. John Norcross talks about Public Health approach to psychotherapy. LF: How would you take a Public Health approach to psychotherapy?  I’m curious about how you see that being implemented. JN: Well, in two or three ways.  One is to be proactive, rather than waiting for people to call us, we go out and get… Read more »

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Staying Healthy for Our Most Vivacious Self

If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it. That’s what a physical trainer I met at a friend’s 40th birthday party told me several years ago. Frankly, it scared me. Not being an exerciser by nature, I pictured myself before too long stooped and wrinkled beyond recognition, like Mr. Magoo’s mother. Staying healthy, strong, toned,… Read more »

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The Intersection of Health and Justice: Views from the Bench

There are few intersections that exist in the world of programs, policies, and disciplines. But when they do meet, they form an eclipse; a blinding phenomenon of worlds colliding. Such an interaction is rare, fascinating, and eternally life changing not only for the immediate players, but also for all who are impacted by its influence…. Read more »

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Why Sleep is So Necessary and in Such Short Supply

Lack of sleep can lead to Anxiety, Depression, Decreased Immune Function, Weight Gain, Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Cancer. We are a deeply sleep deprived society relying more and more on pharmaceuticals to correct this dysfunction. Myths and Beliefs about Sleep to Mention and Clarify: That we don’t need that much sleep as we get older… Read more »

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Restoring Recess by Carol Krucoff, E-RYT

Forget About Working Out — Resolve to Go Out and Play! So here we are, facing the end of another year, and if you’re like most Americans you’re probably resolving that—come January 1st–you’ll start a fitness program and get in shape. But the sad fact is that, despite our good intentions, half of all adults… Read more »

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