An Interview with Drs. Carol and James Gilligan

Dr. Carol Gilligan is an American feminist, ethicist, and psychologist best known for her work on ethical relationships and gender studies. She is currently a Professor at New York University and a visiting Professor at the University of Cambridge. Her ground-breaking book, In a Different Voice (1982) achieved much critical acclaim and has been described by Harvard University Press as “the little book that started a revolution.”
James Gilligan, M.D., is a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry in the School of Medicine and Adjunct Professor in the School of Law at New York University. He is an expert in the field of violence and the former president of the International Association for Forensic Psychotherapy. He has published several books, includingViolence: Reflections on a National Epidemic, Preventing Violence: Prospects for Tomorrow.
This DVD captures a rare joint interview with two leading experts in the field of psychology. Drs. Carol and James Gilligan draw upon their individual areas of expertise to discuss social and psychological factors that contribute to gender differences in violence and the developmental roots of gender differences in expressing emotion. They also discuss the topic of parenting, from both a personal and professional perspective, as the ultimate “opportunity for psychological growth.” Finally, using their own marriage as an example, Drs. James and Carol Gilligan discuss what it takes to make a romantic relationship work.
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