Lisa Firestone, Ph.D.
Dr. Lisa Firestone, PhD, is the director of research and education for The Glendon Association. Since 1987, she has been involved in clinical training and applied research in suicide and violence. Dr. Firestone has published numerous professional articles, and most recently was the co-author of the books: Sex and Love in Intimate Relationships and Conquer Your Critical Inner Voice.
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Articles on the Self
As Iraq Ends, A New Battle with PTSD Begins
With 40,000 men and women returning home from Iraq in the next few months, we must greet them with the tools to combat the emotional wounds of battle. Developing resilience can truly break the internal cycle that leaves so many individuals chronically stuck in a traumatized state. .
The ‘Anti-Self’ vs. the ‘True Self’
For a long time we’ve speculated the falling economy could mean a rise in the suicide rate, and now, new research has given us some indication. In April, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a release stating the overall suicide rate rises and falls in connection with the economy. .
Suicide has been recently described as an “epidemic.” With tragedies associated with the current financial crisis and the increasing suicide rate of military personnel, a need clearly exists for more extensive training in the management and treatment of suicidal clients. It is the most common clinical emergency therapists face, yet many do not receive formal training.

Articles on Intimacy
Real Love or a Fantasy Bond: The Appeal of the Twilight Saga
The latest “Twilight” movie, “Breaking Dawn,” is already breaking records. Young fans clamored and camped out on dirty sidewalks for hours (even days) to make it to last week’s midnight premiere. Walking past one such line, I noticed a father dropping off a shrieking group of dressed up 15-year-old girls from a stretched hummer, rented just for the occasion. .
It’s Not You, It’s Me: The Truth Behind the Excuse
There can be great value, practically and therapeutically, to taking an It’s not you, it’s me approach to your relationship. Rather than using this as an excuse when ending your involvement with someone, why not use it as an exercise to improve your relationship with that person? . .
How to Be Loving in the Time of Twitter
How much does technology that, in seconds, allows us to share “FaceTime” with a friend in India create distance between a loved one across the table? It’s no small statement to say that too often logging in means tuning out. Technology is coming between us and our closest relationships. But before we blame the laptop or sell the TV, it’s important to consider our own relationship to technology. .

Articles on Parenting
How Childhood Defenses Hurt Us as Adults
When we internalize destructive attitudes during hurtful or traumatic experiences in our past, we strengthen our “anti-self.” As we grow up, our anti-self resides within us and encourages us to take actions that replicate our past but that are damaging to us in the present.
How to Bully-Proof Your Children by Building Their Resilience
The heartwrenching stories and startling statistics coming out about bullying are commanding a justified level of concern in parents. New data reveals that more kids are affected by bullying and cyber-bullying than we ever imagined and that both bullies and victims are at higher risk for suicide. .
Five Things You Don’t Expect When You’re Expecting
If it suddenly feels like anywhere you go, you’re surrounded by heavily pregnant women, it is probably not your imagination. In the United States, there are more births during the months that close out summer and ring in fall than any other time of year. The season marks an exciting and scary time in the lives of many expectant parents.

Dr. Lisa Firestone playlist:
Hi Dr.Firestone,
Just a note..Would like to validate my success applying the principles of “Voice Therapy” by your father Dr.Firestone..I was naturally applying the technique in the late 80’s.. then with my research came across your father’s book…that confirmed that I was on the right track…that along with deep feeling work resulted in a fantastic recovery ..With permission from Glendon Associates I have quotes and recommend the book on my site…
I’ve used Talk Therapy to help me deal with my inner critic. And quite frankly it has helped me significantly, it’s one of the reasons I was able to complete my doctorate and look forward to my MBA and JD degrees. I found it interesting how voicing negative thoughts just makes them sound illogical and helps eliminate the negativity. Self Talk Therapy really does help achieve your true potential. So Dr. Firestone’s approach really does work.