Search Results for: critical inner voice

A Parent’s Shorthand Guide to the College Transition

…e, no mention of new friends or experiences, sleeping in late, behavior or voice indicative of apathy or lack of motivation, or less-than-stellar grades are indications of college freshman depression. If you feel your child could be experiencing this, talk to them about it, and also explore on campus and internet resources geared towards easing the college transition. It’s important to encourage socializing outside of the dorms, even though they m…

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How to Succeed in Life Without Really Trying

…her gift?” Like, she was paralyzed by stage fright or listened to a little voice in her head that told her she wasn’t good enough to sing in front of an entire church. We would all be missing out on an incredible blessing. Singing is one of her God-given gifts and she honored that by sharing it. Then I realized that we all have God-given gifts, natural passions that connect us to our true selves, part of our core identity, but I would venture to s…

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What Inside Out Can Teach us about Loving our Kids

…ving a downstairs tantrum, it is best to connect through touch or soothing voice and help him calm down. Later, when he has settled down and the cerebral cortex is back online, you can talk about what happened and help him make sense of it (2012). These examples are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what experts know about kids’ developing brains, and it is well worth our while to learn as much we can. Another powerful message in the fi…

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Siblings: Retaliation or Sadistic Pleasure

…e not sure how you feel about responding to Suzie’s request for sushi for dinner, saying maybe now and no later can be a trigger. It is also important to minimizing situations that invite impulsive behavior (ie: taking your child who wants to buy everything they see into store). Additionally, some respect of Suzie or Johnny’s sensitivities may be appropriate. For example, if Johnny who is on the autistics spectrum, gets upset by loud noises and Ja…

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The Autistic Child and Social Isolation

…nclude: rejection, non-acceptance, ridicule, and bullying. At times, their inner emotional turmoil can lead to them to feel sad and/or discouraged, turning their negative thoughts on themselves. We hear them say they hate their life and then may state they hate themselves. We have seen this type of thinking or feeling develop into depression, which can trigger suicidal ideation and attempts at hurting themselves. Due to their limited capacity for…

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Mindfulness Meditation Practice

…ounds of traffic or birds outside the window. Smell the scent of rain, or dinner cooking on the stove. Taste the mint you recently finished. Experience, through your senses, the colors, shapes, scents and sounds of everyday things. 8. Now, bring your attention to the natural flow of your breath as it goes out and comes in. 9. Heighten attention on the out-breath, as you practice letting go of all thoughts and feelings. 10. At the end of the out-br…

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Dr. Robert Firestone on "What is a Mentally Healthy Person?"

…ive; a person who had a strong sense of values; a person whose values were inner directed, rather than outer directed; a person who was neither defiant nor submissive, but independent. Basically, I would like them to have human qualities; the capacity to be compassionate, the capacity to deal with abstract reasoning, the capacity to be creative, to express their uniqueness as a person. Without a sense of your own values, you are like a ship withou…

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7 Ways to Stop Your Child from Becoming Violent

…r boy turned to a gang for companionship and violence as an outlet for his inner turmoil. This combination of trauma and neglect, though unintentional, became a breeding ground for violent behavior. Without a constructive outlet (like school, counseling, or an available parental figure) one of her sons faced a heavy social and emotional struggle and followed a path toward violence and crime, while the other was able to channel his struggle into so…

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7 Ways to Stop Violence at Every Age

…r boy turned to a gang for companionship and violence as an outlet for his inner turmoil. This combination of trauma and neglect, though unintentional, became a breeding ground for violent behavior. Without a constructive outlet (like school, counseling, or an available parental figure) one of her sons faced a heavy social and emotional struggle and followed a path toward violence and crime, while the other was able to channel his struggle into so…

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Real Love or a Fantasy Bond: The Appeal of the Twilight Saga

…ser we get to someone, the more we can expect to face our own defenses, an inner resistance we have to getting too close or caring too much. Feeling love from someone else can be the best feeling in the world, but it can also challenge us on a deeper level, going against negative beliefs about ourselves we hold at our core and forcing us to face the pain of feeling deeply for someone else. What we often do to protect ourselves against the challeng…

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